So Simple


Sometimes it is just so simple, I miss it. A few weeks ago I was making a meatloaf and thought, Why not make two and freeze one for later? Better yet, when I make something that can be frozen, I should do that every timeI put two meals “up” in the freezer that week.

PicMonkey Collage purpleWe came home last night from vacation exhausted and tired. The rain fell outside, and piles of dirty laundry and a messy house awaited me. After working all morning, I wondered what I could make simple for dinner.  Oh Yea! I’ve got that meatloaf in the freezer!

IMG_9598It is just a simple meatloaf made with a pound of ground beef, an egg, two slices of bread crumbled up, chopped onion and green pepper with a package of beefy onion soup mix all mixed together and baked. I then boiled some red potatoes and mashed those and put on top of the cooked meat loaf and covered it with cheese. I put it back into the oven to melt for about 10 minutes. When I doubled the recipe, one went into the freezer (already cooked) and one we had for dinner.

Tonight I added green beans for a side dish, and we sat down and watched the Seahawks loose, and had a wonderful dinner. Sometimes I forget having a prepared pantry is also having dinner waiting for you in the freezer.

Linking up with Mosaic Monday